Everybody longs for it, very few know what it means and many look in all the wrong places. This week we are in search of fulfillment.
In my day job, I have been serving seniors for many years. Spending time around them and hearing their stories of war, despair and triumph, have inspired me and on occasion, brought a tear to my eye.
The caregivers who care for these folks are truly unique. The first time I was around them, I didn’t understand why these caregivers did what they did. Caregivers don’t usually make much more than minimum wage and the hours are not always favorable. Not to mention, most of us would not want to perform some of their required tasks.
So why are these folks so happy to do their job? They get little compensation yet go to work with a smile, have a great attitude and do it while looking forward to their next shift. The only reason I can find for this is that they have something very few have. They find fulfillment in what they do.
Most try to find this in money. The more money you make must equate to fulfillment, right? What if we buy more new, shiny stuff or get the latest and greatest in technology? Maybe that will help us find fulfillment. Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth.
Caregivers have found something very few find. They feel complete and fulfilled by their service and giving to others. Helping those who can no longer fully help themselves, pays them back huge dividends internally.
How many people have bought into the lie that in order to find fulfillment, you have to be wealthy, influential, or be financially successful? I could introduce you to 20 plus people who hold none of these traits yet their lives are content with so little.
When you find what you love to do, you could do it all day long, it gives you energy, despite what it pays, there you will usually find fulfillment. With that, comes peace, meaning and clarity about life.
Fulfillment is found in what we do. What we get is a by-product of what we do. True, some find fulfillment in their accomplishments. Entrepreneurs who build empires are usually well rewarded. For most of them, it is the sense of building something from nothing that brings fulfillment.
What could you do every day, all day if you had to, and at the end of the day feel like you made a difference? Is it to a single person or a group of people?
Look and focus your energy in that direction. There is where fulfillment is waiting to complete your life.
Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.