Friday, August 24, 2012

What you allow Grows

Ever wake up one day and think to yourself, “How did this happen?”  Well, chances are, it didn't just happen. Over time, you allowed it.

As a rule of thumb, those things which we permit in our life, we have also given permission for their increase.  That is, if we choose to do nothing about bad behavior, than we should expect it to continue to grow.

Consider the disrespectful teenager.  Their actions and words can be hurtful and destructive.  As a parent, if you decide to allow this type of behavior then you should also expect it to only get worse.

The tiny weeds in the garden that are no big deal today will become abundant and thick tomorrow if not dealt with.  The alcoholic spouse, who is only slightly abusive today, will become more abusive tomorrow.

Recently, I worked in an office where one of the team members was very toxic in attitude, behavior and the way they treated others.  I learned this had been going on for several years.  The boss was well aware of the actions but refused to deal with the employee in a manner which would detour the behavior.  It was no surprise to me when I learned it had become worse over the years.  The behavior we allow today will grow tomorrow.

For some personality styles, dealing with confrontation is not easy.  Naturally, we want to avoid it, walk away or pretend like it does not affect us.  The fact is, dealing with conflict is not a bad thing.  Holding people accountable for their actions, words or behavior is very healthy.  It also requires work and is often times uncomfortable.  Yet, it is necessary to keep the destructive environment from affecting others.

If you have a family member who treats you with disrespect and you have not confronted them about it, understand you have essentially given that person permission to treat you however they wish.  Too often, people don't give a second thought to how they are being perceived.  They are only interested in telling you what they think.

By standing up for ourselves and refusing to let others mistreat us, we are also automatically increasing our self image.  Think about the last time someone talked down to you.  How did it make you feel?  Now think about the last time you stood up for yourself.  Did you demand respect?  Did you tell someone you will not accept being talked down to?  How did that make you feel?  Could you then look in the mirror and be proud of your self?

Years ago, I came to a place where I refused to be talked down to and when I did, it was life-changing.  A spouse, coworker, child or even a parent can sometimes lose touch with boundaries and respect for others.  Don't let things like this intimidate you.  It's not about you it's about them and their own insecurity of who they are.

Take the high road and demand others treat you with kindness, and hold them accountable.  Once you do, you will be amazed at how some people leave your life and how others look to you with a whole new level of respect. Not to mention, how you see yourself.

Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.

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