This is the first week of a seven part series where I will be covering healthy relationships. The purpose of this series is to shed some light on some destructive behaviors that are all too often found in relationships. My goal and target of writing about this is simple: to bring some awareness to those finding themselves in destructive relationships and what they can do about it.
The views, ideas and things I will be sharing with you, I do so from my own place of growing up in a dysfunctional family that had its own share of destructive elements. I do not have a degree in psychology; human relations or human behavior. I am simply one person who has lived and experienced what it is like to grow up in a house filled with anger, bitterness, resentment, manipulation, guilt and constant enabling.
In addition to all of that, believe it or not, there was also a lot of love shown which made my whole world growing up very complex because I was constantly receiving mixed signals. So no, I am not a shrink nor am I a counselor. What I have done is lived and grown through these seven areas of unhealthiness in relationships. Yes, I chose to heal and grow through all of these and by doing so, I have become a better person. Because of this, I am always happy to share with others the mechanics of those self destroying behaviors and shed any light on the subject that I can.
My hope for you is that after reading and following this series, you will never look and view your relationships in the same way again. Upon completion of this, my prayer is that you will take the necessary steps to choose and strive towards having healthier relationships with not only those you love, but those all around you. In my own life, many years ago, I made that choice and what I can tell you is by doing so I have brought an unimaginable amount of freedom and peace into my life. I made the changes (and no, they were not easy) and never looked back, leaving those who were constantly pulling me down, behind me to continue to dwell in their own destructive behavior. Again, this was not easy and yes, it was even uncomfortable.
I share all of this personal information about me, with you, to say this: This series will be more about you, than the person sitting next to you. It is about being responsible to the one person who needs responsibility more than anyone else and that is: you. Be responsible for you and your decisions. Not your spouse, not your parents and not even your grown kids. One of the hardest things to understand is that when people are finally ready to hear a message and are finally ready to make a change in their life, they will… but not before then. Not when you are ready, not when you think they are ready, but when they are ready and not a moment sooner.
So what can you do with all of this? Take this information in and let it manifest itself within you. Refer back to it from time to time. Read it over and over and let it become a part of your beliefs onto how you look at people. There will be parts of this series where I am going to bring up thoughts and feelings that may touch a nerve and may make a few people uncomfortable. I do not apologize for what I am going to share with you because it comes from my own perspective and my own experiences. I have no guilt trips to cast upon anyone. If you don’t like what I bring to the surface, then I want to encourage you to ask yourself why. Not for me, but for you.
Next week, we will start off by taking a look at bitterness and resentment and what they do to us and how they affect us.
Until then, have a great weekend everyone, be blessed.
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