The life you are living right now is the result of the choices you have made up to this point.
Most folks don’t realize that they have choices. Many run on auto-pilot, making each day look a lot more like chance than choice. But just the opposite is true. Everything is a choice!
It wasn’t until I reached my mid 30’s that I truly grabbed hold of this reality. Each day, I could choose what I would do, where I would go, my activities, attitude…all of it. Granted, the majority of those choices were obvious and easy…but I still got to choose.
Each new day brings with it the seed of choice. How you start your day, what you will wear, will you exercise, will you have a good attitude and will you be on time to your first meeting. All of these choices and you haven’t even left your house yet!
Left to chance? I don’t believe there is such a thing. Even if one tries to make a case for this, the fact is, you can still choose to do nothing, and that is a choice.
Look back on your life. How many times have you come to a crossroads where a major choice was before you? How did you handle it? Did you weigh your options, look at all sides and try to make the best choice possible?
In the past, have you made poor choices? If so, what did you learn from them? Sometimes, wrong choices today give us opportunities to excel in the future because learning and choosing differently next time, brings about favor and wisdom.
Once in awhile, the crossroads of life are not always so clear and then the choice we have to make can be a struggle. Yet still, we are forced to make a choice.
Choice is the reason we can create the life we want. It’s one of God’s greatest gifts to us.
We also need to keep in mind that for every choice we make, there are or can be lasting consequences. Choosing to forgo exercise every morning and eat a donut may bring short-term satisfaction, but over the long-term, it’s detrimental to your health.
After reading this, you will make a choice to either ignore it, or think about it. Regardless, each day, what we choose affects not only our self but often, those around us as well.
Once we realize and grasp this concept, there can be no more blame game. You can’t play the victim card, nor can you point fingers at others and say it’s their fault for your circumstances.
Will you decide to start choosing wisely? Can you see that your choices equal the person you are today?
Want a different job? Make different choices. Want a better relationship with your spouse? Make better choices. Want to lose some weight and feel attractive again? It’s easier than you think…just make different choices.
Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.
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