Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Ok... Dream big - Part 2

Who is the most important person in your life?  Who should you put first and be true to above all others?

The answer may surprise you.  No, it’s not your spouse, nor is it your parents.  It’s not even your kids. It’s you!

You are going to live with you your whole life. The short 80-90 years we are given can be lived with bliss, joy and truth but only if you make you a top priority. I’m not talking about being self absorbed, narcissistic, or selfish.  I’m talking about believing in your self.

Do you put your self first when it comes to your dreams and goals?  Those ideas you have, the images held in your mind of you accomplishing a dream… if you don’t make them a priority, who else will?

Last week, we covered the issue of being laughed at and others making fun of our dreams. Typically, this causes self doubt.  Well-meaning people who sometimes genuinely care, offering their unsolicited thoughts and advice, can affect us the most.

Here’s a reminder all of us need to hear from time to time: Others probably don’t think much of you because they don’t think much about you. 

You were born unique.  There has never been nor will there ever be another you.  Don’t expect your co-workers, neighbors or even family members to understand you because chances are they won’t.  On a side note, most don’t even understand themselves.  To some degree, the majority of us are trying to determine if we can truly believe in ourselves.

Your dreams, goals and aspirations… they are yours!  The only way someone else can take them from you is if you give them up.  Why would you want to do that?  Even if you don’t have clarity or fully understand why you have a passion for what you do, there is a reason for it.   

Often, our dreams are tied to getting something.  Maybe you wish to buy a home, take an exotic trip or start a business.  Of course there is nothing wrong with getting things, I think all of us need a reason and sometimes material things to keep us pressing on through thick and thin.

The bigger reason for having them is not for the getting, it’s for the becoming.  That is, who we become while stretching, working and reaching for the dream is far more important in the long run than actually getting it.  The late Jim Rohn said it best: It’s not what you get that makes you valuable; it’s what you become that makes you valuable.

It’s ok… dream big!  Go ahead, I dare you.  What is inside you that wants to blossom? What have you wanted to pursue but have never taken the first step?  What is it that crosses your mind from day to day and leaves you feeling inspired and ready to tackle anything?  Chances are this is what you need to go after and move toward.   All the while, becoming the type of person needed to achieve the goal.

Let yourself change and let yourself become a little uncomfortable because if it is worth while, chance are, you will have to.  Your dream is waiting!  Take the action and move toward it.

Don’t let anybody steal your dream.  Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.

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