People come in and out of your life for certain reasons. Do you know why?
This week is part 4, Finding Your Calling.
It has been said that coincidences are when God wants to remain anonymous. In my own life, many people have come and gone over the years. At the time it was a mystery as to why this would happen. Looking back it is pretty clear.
Each person who came into my life brought with them (besides their kindness, love and friendship) a uniqueness and qualities I needed. Your life is the same way. If you’re open to see it, you will. If you can't, it could mean you've never looked at it that way.
When people come into your life, they bring with them answers. Those answers are found through the relationship you have with them. Looking even deeper, all that you seek can be found through relationships with the right people. Answers are not found in things, they are found in people.
Yes, you can learn a lot through books, on line courses and audio / video tutorials, I sure did. But relationships were at the core of every corner turned and ah ha moment I ever had.
Who is in your life today that could have answers to what you’re looking for? Maybe it is a co-worker, a boss, a new friend whom you met recently. Wealth, health, influence, mentors and knowledge are not far away, they are more then likely a relationship away.
Like attracts like. That's the way our world works. Those who like to go fishing, hang out with other fisherman. Those who like to give back, invest time with others who also give. When we go into search mode, we also tend to attract others who are searching.
Who is in your life today that could have answers to what you’re looking for? Maybe it is a co-worker, a boss, a new friend whom you met recently. Wealth, health, influence, mentors and knowledge are not far away, they are more then likely a relationship away.
Like attracts like. That's the way our world works. Those who like to go fishing, hang out with other fisherman. Those who like to give back, invest time with others who also give. When we go into search mode, we also tend to attract others who are searching.
This means we can learn from those relationships. Both can bring value to the other. Even if it is learning what we don’t want in a relationship, there is value in that.
Right now, there is someone or maybe even a few someone's who can help you find the answers to what you are seeking. You don't necessarily need to go looking. Chances are, they are in or around your life right now, you just don't know it.
Today, observe who is in your life that you may be able to sit with and question. Our society is filled with people who don't care to listen, but only want to talk. Imagine what clues you could hear if you focused on listening more and talking less. What keys might your friends tell you that previously, you had not known?
Lastly, start asking questions. Then listen with expectation. Not for what you want to hear, but what is really being said. There are clues all around you to what you’re passionate about. Ask first, listen second.
Right now, there is someone or maybe even a few someone's who can help you find the answers to what you are seeking. You don't necessarily need to go looking. Chances are, they are in or around your life right now, you just don't know it.
Today, observe who is in your life that you may be able to sit with and question. Our society is filled with people who don't care to listen, but only want to talk. Imagine what clues you could hear if you focused on listening more and talking less. What keys might your friends tell you that previously, you had not known?
Lastly, start asking questions. Then listen with expectation. Not for what you want to hear, but what is really being said. There are clues all around you to what you’re passionate about. Ask first, listen second.
Next week, we will take a deeper look into resources you may not be aware of that can help you find your calling.
Have a great weekend everybody, be blessed.
Have a great weekend everybody, be blessed.
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