Thursday, April 26, 2012

Finding Your Calling

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Most all of us have asked this, at least a few times.  But have you answered it?

Why are you here and what is your purpose?  These questions demand an answer!  We are going to take the next several weeks and cover this subject.  My aim is to help you uncover some hidden keys that will lead you to answering those questions.  First off, here are a few things you need to understand:

The Bible says if you search, you will find.  It does not say if you think about it and it does not say to toy with it.  It says to search, and searching takes dedication, determination and focus.  So, ask yourself; are you willing to search?

My search began in my twenties. I tried many things, all to find what I didn’t want, long before I found what I did want.  Although this can take time and energy, it is also a great way to learn about yourself. Look at it as an investment and not an expense.

It took 15 years of searching before I finally found my purpose.  Some may think this is a long time.  I don’t see it that way.  Living your whole life and never finding your purpose, like so many people do, is very sad.  Although it took years, I believe I found mine at just the right time.

A few find their passion quickly.  Their time investment is short and they are very fortunate.  However, these people can also miss some of the trials and errors and the personal development they gain along the way.  It’s a trade off.

If you want to find your purpose bad enough, you will do what it takes.  If you don’t, you won’t.  Proof is all around us.  Many people have put finding their passion on the back burner.  The reasons for doing so are countless.  But the reasons are not nearly as important as the consequences.

Living an entire life and never finding what you’re passionate about or what you’re called to do is a steep sacrifice.  In a sense, one trades his or her whole life for a less-than-best life from what they could have had.  Pretty harsh trade off, don’t you think?

I say that because I know first-hand how my energy level, inner fulfillment and dreams have grown since answering the million dollar question regarding my own purpose.  It truly has given me a different outlook in a multitude of ways, as well as shown me why I am passionate regarding certain things.

There are keys about yourself (that you may not even be aware of) which will assist your search in the right direction.  They will even enlighten you along the way.

You also need to understand that finding your purpose will change things.  The way you look at your life and what you value is likely to change.  You will look and feel differently about yourself.  You will know that you know and it will be very difficult to explain to anyone else at the level you understand it.  Clarity on many things you have previously questioned will abound.

You will also likely realize that certain tasks and duties you currently do are likely to be less important.  This can be both good and bad.  The realization of your purpose, though, is not free.  Like anything in this world, there is a price to pay for things of great value.

So, are you still ready to go on this search which will change your life?

Next week, we will look at what some of those keys are.

Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Attracting Healthy Love ~ Part 11 (Final)

Attracting healthy love is something we do because of the person we become.  This is the final segment of this series.

The Attracting Healthy Love series has been filled with healthy, positive and thought provoking ideas.  I wish I could tell you all of it is my own insight but that would be far from true.  The ideas shared are a collection of common denominators, some from experts who have been studying relationships before I was even a twinkle in my parent’s eyes.

I encourage you to review these from time to time. Although there are literally dozens of different subjects we could have gone into in-depth, the ones we have touched base on are a great platform from which to build on.  And, like anything we build, a healthy foundation is the basis that keeps all of it from falling apart.

You have your list.  Update it as needed. This is your centerpiece for attracting the right kind of person to you.  Remember what I said, there is magic in reading it out loud.   Take this seriously. Make your written list part of your life, just as you do your personal hygiene.

Remember you cannot attract someone to you that you are not willing to first become.  In your mind, if you can picture a beautiful, gentle, thoughtful person you want as a partner, you first have to become that person.

For some, attracting and finding Mr. or Ms. Right will be difficult.  For others, this concept is somewhat familiar.  It depends on where you come from and what your past has been.  Regardless of where you are, there is a learning curve.  Allow yourself grace to work through this.

Whether or not you can believe, you are worth so much more than you realize.  Too often we devalue our self-worth because of fear, the fear of not finding the right person.  The result is we settle for less than the best. 

Remember, as a rule, no one will ever value or love you any more than you value or love yourself.  If you want someone to think the world of you, you need to think the world of yourself.  I am not talking about narcissism.  I am talking about loving yourself and knowing how valuable you are as a person.

If you don’t love yourself first, how can you possibly love someone else? Love runs on a two way street, not one way.  As unfortunate as it is, many people go through life with a low self-esteem.  Look at how many people look down when they are walking. It’s sad.

Lastly, if you’re willing to adopt new healthy habits, you will substantially increase your chances of attracting healthy love into your life. More times than not, it is the little things repeated daily which make all the difference, not the less frequent bigger things.
Attracting healthy love will take practice.  There will be trial and error, so expect it.  It’s changing how you think, what you believe to be true, and accepting that we may not have all the answers.  Taking these ideas and implementing them into your life is easy to talk about, harder to do, and it won’t work every time.  But what it is guaranteed to do is change who you are becoming.  And that is the key to attracting who you want into your life.

Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed!