Thursday, January 26, 2012

Attracting Healthy Love Part 1

Do you have the desire?  Do you want it bad enough?  Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  If your answer is yes to these questions, then this series on Attracting Healthy Love is for you.

The first and probably most important questions, you need to answer, are you, in fact, ready to change some things about yourself? Would you like to stop attracting the wrong kind of mate and start attracting the right one?  If you are, then keep reading.  If you’re not, then what I have to share with you probably won't make a difference.  Not being mean, just stating a fact.  You have to want to or you won't!

Every relationship you have can only be as healthy as the people in it.  Therefore, we have to look in the mirror once in a while and have a check-up from the neck up.  Are we bringing healthy words and actions to the relationship or are we bringing negativity and doubt? 

Remember, we attract people to us that are like us.  Healthy or not, positive or negative, this subconscious attraction is always at work.

Often times I hear someone talking about what they don't want in a person. "I don't want this, I don't want that, I can't stand it when people do this..."  Simply by verbalizing this repeatedly, you are attracting someone with those traits.  It's called, what you give energy to grows.  Or, what you think about comes about.  Ancient scripture says: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Give energy to what you want, not to what you don't.  In fact, don't even mention it anymore.  Not to yourself or to your friends.  Take that energy and start saying what you do want.  Over a short period of time, you will be amazed at what begins to change within you.

Have you made a list?  A list of what you do want in a spouse.  People make lists all the time.  Why not have a perfect spouse list?  Not a mental list, we all have those, I mean a written down, thought out list.  If not, do it.  The list should include all the things that are important and valuable to you.  Things that don't matter, leave them off.  A list of 10-17 traits would be ideal.

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT feel like you’re being too picky.  This is not a time to cut yourself short.  This exercise is a time for you to see, in writing, what you are looking for.  Trust me, there is magic in doing this, so do it and be true to yourself!

It may take a few days or even a week or two for you to complete the list.  That is perfectly ok.  We are talking about the ideal person here.  It is imperative you get this right.  Once your list is complete, keep it handy.  We will be coming back to it in the near future.

Next week, we will be looking a little more into what we are attracting into our life and why.  Then, what you can do to change it. Stay tuned!

Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Attracting Healthy Love

Have you ever felt like finding that perfect someone may never happen?  Well, you’re right, it may not… unless you are willing to make some changes.

Everywhere we look we see a friend, family member or co-worker looking for the ideal mate.  Those words "If only I could find someone that..." you fill in the blank.  What does, "If only..." mean?  It almost sounds like a plea of some sort, or a wish upon a star - straight out of a kid’s book, that hopefully, one day, will come true.  Have you ever heard this before?

Then there is the person who seems to find that perfect person.  Oh, they are so incredibly happy!  Six months or a year later, they have found the next perfect person.  Funny thing is they seem to be even happier than the last time.  A year or two later and there has been three or four perfect someone's and they still are looking for the next one.  Sound familiar?

Some find Mr. or Ms. Right and then find out they were not Mr. or Ms. Right.  They were, in fact, Mr. or Ms. Toxic!  Manipulation, abuse, guilt, all of the self destructive habits and beliefs slowly start to destroy what seemed like the perfect match. 

There are many reasons why it seems impossible to find someone who will give you the kind of love you are searching for.  One of the bigger struggles seems to be finding someone who will leave their unpacked baggage out of your life.  If you’re wondering, is this actually possible?  I will tell you, yes it is!

Next week, we will start a lengthy series entitled: Attracting Healthy Love.  This series will cover a variety of topics which are prudent to every relationship you have, will have and have had.  Some of the subject matter will be intimate.  Other ideas may strike a nerve and you may not agree.  The most in-depth subject covered will be you!

If you’re serious about uncovering the key to finding a healthy spouse, or if you know of someone who is, this series may be exactly what is needed.  Be prepared though, this material might have life-changing affects.  Ask yourself, are you really, really ready for some answers?  You may start to feel uncomfortable with what is shared, all of which could be a sign that you need to make some changes... from within!

If you are sick and tired of finding the wrong person and wondering if a long-lasting love will ever come your way, you need this.  This is for you.

Next week, we will dive into: Attracting Healthy Love.

Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Are Your Choices Sustainable

As the New Year is underway, something each one of us should think about is, are your current choices sustainable?

It is something few of us talk about but the meaning of sustainability is powerful and very healthy.  Great question each of us should answer.  Up to this point, have your choices been sustainable to live a life filled with peace and joy?  Let’s consider a few things:

With a booming bubble in our economy, some tried to live a life filled with an abundance of things.  But even living in the greatest country on earth with the most opportunity and the largest resources, holds universal laws that must be honored.  In a capitalistic society, not every person gets to drive a new SUV, own a large home and put a large flat screen TV in every room.  This kind of living is simply not sustainable for the masses.

During the time of the bubble economy, many also lost sight of life’s most important things.  Our minds told us we needed that new truck, the boat and all the gear to go with it.  For some, there grew a distance between what was once enough and what we thought we were entitled to.  Obviously, not a healthy way to live.

2008 thru 2011 were tough times for a lot of people.  Our bubble economy popped and our false financial surroundings crashed.  This brought financial pressure to many families which, in turn, caused additional stress on marriages.  What once seemed easy turned to struggle, then hard and finally to downright miserable.

I watched friends lose jobs, cars and even their homes.  Not a pleasant thing to watch happen, let alone go through.  But all of this should have taught us some very important lessons, because in every misfortune is the opportunity to learn.  Experience is a fantastic teacher, providing our minds are open to learning.  Even the best education in the world is worthless unless we are ready to receive it.

In 2011 I adopted a mindset.  Upon making choices that will affect my future, I ask myself, is this choice sustainable.  I apply this to my relationships and finances.  Why?  Because at some point down the road, tough economic times like we experienced are likely to come again and personally, I never want to be affected the way I was, ever again!

The key here is the struggle and the fight of tough times.  They teach us and wake us up to make better choices for the future.  Through this process a healthier way of living is adopted.  For those who are not willing to accept responsibility and learn from their mistakes or better prepare for future struggles, chances are they will be given similar circumstances again to face.

2012 will be better only if you have chosen to become better.  Living a joyful life is not rocket science.  You are where you are because of the choices you have made, sustainable or not. 

Why not choose to become better and learn from your choices of the past?  Even if you did most everything right, chances are you can still learn something new and do it better next time around.  It sure beats the heck out of banging your head against the wall and hoping for different results.

Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.