Friday, July 1, 2011

Is Your Image Working for you?

When I was in my 20’s, I never stopped to think about how I was portraying myself to others.  My words, my actions, how I dressed or even how I carried myself.  I think that is fairly common with most young people though, they are too caught up in themselves.  I know I was.

But later in life I learned that everywhere I go I am portraying an image to other people.  Meaning, I am giving others reasons to make an assessment of me based on my behavior, and from that, they are creating a belief in their own mind of who I am.  Now I don’t focus a lot of energy on this matter, but I am very aware of it and how it plays a part in my life.

Spending the last eight and a half years in the mortgage industry, I wanted to give off a professional image.  I wanted people to take me serious and know that I was indeed a professional at my craft.  So I dressed the part every day to match the image I wanted to portray.  I was even careful how I looked if I went somewhere on the weekends.  If I came across a potential client while out in public, I did not want their first impression of me to be a bad one.  I wanted to keep my image up because I am a believer that our image is important.

A couple of years ago, I was having lunch at one of my favorite places when I came across an old friend I had not seen in a while.  He was a real estate agent and we started up a conversation.  At the same time I asked him how his business was doing, I could not help but notice the ragged T-shirt and worn cargo shorts he was wearing.

He told me business was extremely slow and that he was looking at getting out of real estate.  I asked him if he was working today or did he have the day off.  His answer shocked me!  “No, I am working today, in fact I just came from showing a property.”  “In those clothes?” I asked him.  “Yeah,” he said.  “I don’t have to look good, I just have to make the sale.”

Every day, no matter what we are doing, we are portraying an image to those around us.  Even if we wanted to turn this part of us off, we could not.  Our minds take an account of everything we see and experience and from there, that information is logged into our memory banks and put onto an audio / video file.  My friend the real estate agent totally missed the point that image is important.

Yes, I do have times where I completely dress down as if I were going to the lake.  I love those days.  But I am also aware that with this style, I am still creating an image.  This is not a bad thing, but it is something that we need to be aware of.

If you want to be taken serious, then you need to dress serious.  If you want people to know you as an expert in your field, then you need to look like the expert in your field.  If your current image is not how you want people to see you, then start today and change it.  This is not about impressing anyone or making a statement that says “hey look at me”, this about you, your life, your success and how you want people to think of you.

Right now, today, what is your image?  You are emanating one whether you realize it or not.  You might as well create one that works for you rather than against you.

Have a great weekend and Fourth of July everyone, be blessed.

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