Friday, December 31, 2010

Good bye 2010...Hello 2011!

With the New Year underway and moving forward, I think a lot of us are glad that 2010 is behind us. It was a tough year for a lot of people in many different ways. Jobs were being lost, finances became thin and marriages were strained like never before. Homes were lost and retirement accounts suffered. I watched people all around me deal with all of these and unfortunately, life was not always fun. I, too, had my own set of struggles to deal with.

One thing we all need to understand is if we are going to hope, pray and expect great things for 2011, we need to stop focusing on what was. Now I don’t want to be to harsh here and insensitive but we truly need to let 2010 be and stop dwelling on it. It is what it is and there is not one thing we can do to change it. If we could have changed it, we probably did to some degree and to the best we could. Continuing to live in the past is not and will not do any of us any good. The unfortunate events that took place, happened to many of us, not just a few. I think we need to realize: Yes, it happened…but it does not mean it will continue to happen nor does it mean it will happen all through 2011.

I have learned the hard way that what we focus our attention and thoughts on will lead us to where we get more of just that: what we focus on most. Rather than focusing on what you don’t want, start focusing on what you do want. Stop talking about what you don’t want and start talking about what you do want. I believe if you want a better year for you and your family in 2011, you have to start by speaking it. Say what you want over and over again. Let go of 2010 with your words and thoughts and start thinking and speaking of how much better you want this year to be. Do you want a better job? Start speaking it. Want your old income back? Start claiming it by verbalizing what it is you want, not what you don’t want. Like it or not, the glory days when everything came real easy (2006 – 2008) are not coming back, so let go of it and focus on a brand new 2011 which has not even been shaped yet.

Yes, I am well aware our economy is not real hot right now. Yes, I am well aware many people are still out of work and yes, I know the amount of homes being foreclosed on each month and it is all very unfortunate. None of these things do I ignore or pretend they are not a problem. I do know, though, there is very little I can do about any of it. So for this reason, I choose to not dwell on or waste my time trying to make them better. If I did, I would be greatly disappointed. The one thing you and I do have all the control over, is ourselves. How we spend our time, what we focus on and what we give our energy to is all in our control. Because I believe that 85% of what happens to us we have no control over and the remaining 15% we have all the control over, I believe it only makes sense to focus on the 15%.

Take what you have right now and do with it what you can. Regardless of what it is, take this first step. I believe there is something magical for those who use what they have, for where they are. God has an amazing way of filling in the gaps in our life when we are in need and when we step out in faith with the expectation of something greater. I say this not because it has just been told to me … but because I have seen it work first-hand in my own life.

Have a great 2011 everyone and be blessed.

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