Several months ago, I was fortunate enough to have been asked to be a regular guest on a weekly radio show. The focus of the radio show is centered toward creating awareness around personality types and styles in the work place, friendships, marriage and even within family. Every one of us has a dominant personality style and a secondary style that guides us and leads us in the way we communicate with others. During this time, I have learned a great deal about why it is that we respond and react to people the way we do. It has been extremely enlightening.
After a short amount of time and some education about the four personality types, I quickly learned a lot about myself. I learned why certain things were important to me and why I always put my relationships above most other things. Come to find out, you and I can learn a lot about who we are just from understanding what our own personality type is. Then, once we understand our self, understanding others and why they act, do and say what they say can really start to make a lot of sense. For me, the best thing I have taken away from learning this material has been to not take things so personally and I am 110% totally honest when I say it has literally been a paradigm shift within my way of thinking.
Although I have never been an avid follower of the personality styles, another thing that this material has taught me is that along with these styles come strengths and weaknesses that work better with certain types of jobs, careers or businesses. This information alone is why the name of the radio show is called: Living right for your type. The show really tries to bring to its listeners the tools a person needs to make the assessment in their own life if are they living right for their type. A common question that always seems to come up is: does my personality style compliment what I do professionally? This is a valid question that many of us should answer if we have not yet done so. When it came time for me to answer this, I can clearly see where several of the jobs I have had in the past were clearly not a good fit for my personality style.
To conclude, this is probably the main reason why I was so unhappy at those jobs too. Back then I had no concept of this information and I just thought that even if you didn’t like your job, you had to do it any way. I guess you could say I was not living right for my type and that alone gave me a tremendous amount of anger, anxiety and it was stealing my peace and joy.
Yes, I understand that at times in our life, we will need to do things that are not always fun and that there will be things we have to do that we won’t like. That is life, plain and simple. But in the big picture over the long haul, life will be far more enjoyable if we are living the right life style for our personality type. Trust me, I know this first hand, I have lived both ways and to live your life in a way that compliments who you are at the core, will be a life far more full of peace, joy and happiness. Plus, you will probably find that everything you do will work better, become easier and you are far more efficient at it as well. It just kind of makes sense doesn’t it? Why wouldn’t you want to live right for your type?
Interested in knowing a little more about personality styles and whether or not you are living right for your type? You can listen to the radio show via the internet at: then type in the search bar: living right 4 your type. All shows are recorded and available to listen to at any time but we are live on the air Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm west coast time.
Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.
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