Friday, September 17, 2010

What are you telling yourself

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and heard them say: “I am such an idiot” or, “I can’t believe I was so stupid to have done that.” I know I have heard it and I must say I just cringe inside every time I do. Not only do I cringe but my heart almost skips a beat. That is a pretty strong statement to say, especially to our self.

Just last week I found myself in this kind of situation. I was carrying on a meaningful conversation with a gentleman whom I have know for a few years when all of a sudden, right out of left field he says: “Dang it… I am such an idiot, how could I have forgotten that!” Of course I stood there in shock, almost in disbelieve of what I had just heard. But, being the kind of person I am I just had to know: why did he say that about himself. So I asked and like I thought he might say, his response was one of light hearted, no big deal answer. I however, do believe that it is a very big deal. Calling yourself an idiot? No big deal? Really?

The fact is that it is a very big deal, much bigger then you can realize. Our subconscious minds are always in the mode of taking in information that it hears. Things we say and the things we hear others say. Every day, all day, everywhere we are. It’s main function is to take in data and store it so that it can use it later. If you have ever read any books on human psychology and human nature, you know exactly what I am talking about. This can be though a curse and a blessing all at the same time. A curse because everything it hears and hears enough of, it takes in as “truth” and “belief.” Yes, I said EVERYTHING.

The blessing is that through this sub conscious mind, we have the ability to change the way we think and what we believe. This alone should give everyone of us a hope that regardless of where we have been or where we come from, we can alter our current path and even re program our thinking to gain a different result in our life. I know for me… this is what I had to do to overcome my past.

What you and I tell ourself, each and ever day is critical to where we will be, 2, 5 or even 10 years from now. Our self image and self esteem is dependent upon it. I know this first hand because I was one of those people who beat myself up verbally when I screwed up or made a mistake and the problem I constantly faced was that I always felt bad and not worthy after I said it yet I could never figure out why.

Don’t kid yourself here. Your subconscious mind is well aware of what it hears. If you are someone who has been guilty of repeatedly saying things like this, you might want to stop consider what it is that you are doing to yourself. Your self esteem and your self image are on the line. Simply put: It will believe and become what it is told. We need to be careful of what it is that we are saying. To our kids, our spouse and especially to ourself. Our minds are a lot like a computer program. What we put into them, is what will come out.

Have a great Friday everyone, be blessed.

Scott Stewart

Author, Speaker and Inspiring others to a life of greatness.


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