Friday, July 16, 2010

Kids and Gifts

The more I watch my daughters with what they say, how they act and how
they respond to others, the more I realize how much I am blessed. Just
watching kids be themselves and interact with other kids and adults can
say a lot about them. Currently, my oldest is seven and my youngest is
four. Both are obviously at different places of learning and interaction but
there is one thing that just touches my heart that they both do at this stage
of their young lives and that is, what and how they give gifts to those they
care about.

Children this age are so pure and innocent. They do not understand this
big old world could very well one day beat them up and spit them out.
Because of this, their actions and thoughts mostly follow the same way. I
am not counting sibling influence here or the influence of other kids but
they really do not know yet about materialism or what money can do. (Last
year, though, I did start teaching my oldest about money.)

As adults, we tend to give gifts to our spouses or family members that
usually cost money. Of course this is not a bad thing. This is the way of
our society. Kids, who do not yet understand about our society and how it
works, use their natural God-given abilities - their hearts and imagination.
My girls can create the most amazing homemade cards for my wife and
me. The time they spend on them, the colors, their imagination, the way
they think and see us as a family. All of these things they use to draw on
an "I love you card." Anyone who has or has had young kids understands
what I am talking about.

They just know how to make you smile with these
kinds of gifts. I have to admit, after receiving several of these, I did find
myself becoming a bit numb and almost irritated. But I think the main thing
we have to remember here is that this is the most pure, heartfelt gift a child
could give! There is no ulterior motive behind the gift and it is simply
because they want to. I believe little things like this are also a way in which
God reminds us not all gifts need to be big and expensive. Even the
smallest things sent from the heart, can have the most meaning in showing
someone how we feel about them. Grandmas and Grandpas also know
what I am talking about here when they receive these gifts.

Yes I know eventually, we as parents will have boxes full of things that our
kids have made for us. I am one of those parents. I also know those items
my daughters share with me or make and give to me show they love me
and they are happy. Kids don't always know how to voice how they feel,
that is something they have to learn along the way. But to make something
from scratch and give it as a gift could very well be the highest form of
showing love.

Have a great Friday everyone and an even better weekend.

Scott Stewart

Author, Speaker and Inspiring others to a life of greatness.


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