Friday, April 16, 2010

The Two Wolves... Which One Wins?

A while back, I read a story about an Indian boy and his father. The young boy was in his early teens while his father was a very wise and highly respected leader of the tribe. The two were walking through the woods, talking back and forth when the son said something that made his Father pay very close attention.

He began to tell his father that lately he felt like there were two wolves inside of him, battling back and forth. One wolf seemed to be of a supportive nature and was there to offer help when he needed it. It gave him peace and love from within. The other wolf though seemed to be there only to rob, steal, and destroy. He said it appeared to be of a very dark power and had no regard to others or life.

As the father and son continued walking, the boy told his father that sometimes the battle between these two wolves became very intense, and oftentimes he was not sure which one was stronger. Upon hearing his son’s story, the father became very quiet, reaching deep inside for just the right response to what his son needed to hear. A short way down the path, the young Indian boy looked up at his father and asked, “Do you know which one of these wolves is stronger?” The father looked down upon his young brave son and said, “Yes, I do know which one is stronger.” A short pause later, the boy asked, “Which one Father?” The wise Indian father replied; “The one you choose to feed.”

I know many of us can relate with this story. How many times have you and I had dark and even mean, hurtful thoughts come into our minds, showing up just out of nowhere. For a very long time, I have wondered if this may perhaps be the primary reason why we see so many evil doings all around our world. I believe each of us has a choice every day. You and I can feed whichever wolf we decide to and believe me, the outcome between the two are very, very different.

Happy Friday everyone.

Scott Stewart

Author, Speaker and Inspiring others to a life of greatness.


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