Looking back on the last twenty years of my life it has become clear that having mentors along the way has made all the difference in the world for me. Back as far as when I was a teenager, I have had people come into my life and play a supportive and intricate role in which I have become. Now to be truthful here, at the time, I thought they were just friends or fun people to hang around with but the further I go down this road of life, the more I am grateful that these people took the time to plant the seeds of greatness into me. I believe that each one of these key people came into my life at just the right time when I needed them the most. Rarely was it during a challenging time but rather when things were somewhat peaceful. It was as if I was preparing for the next level or the next challenge of my life and the best time to do that was when life was at a place where I would listen.
From the time I was in the Boy Scouts, I can count nearly twenty people who have encouraged, mentored and spoke words of wisdom into my life. Some of them were in my life for six months and some of them for several years. Have you ever heard that old saying: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear?" Well, that was me almost to a tee! I feel like each one of these people has given me key essential tools to get through life, or shall I say “grow through life." From: life experiences, marriage, and God, to doing something more with my life. None of it was ever wasted or taken for granted. Much like you and I may plant a garden in the spring and expect a harvest in the summer, so is my life and so is yours.
I say yours because I bet you have had some sort of mentor(s) come and go in and out of your life as well. Maybe it was your Father, Uncle, or a Grandfather…even a neighbor. Each one of us though at some point, have had a “guide” help us down this path of life and for that, we should be thankful. I remember one particular man whom I worked with many years ago, during our breaks and lunches I would go to his work area, and we would just talk. He did most of the talking and I did a lot of listening. Make no mistake. This wise, older Godly man poured his wisdom out onto me and planted seeds into my life and when you and I have someone do this for us, we need to understand how vitally important it is that we be thankful for them. Without these mentors, how different would our life have turned out? Would you have received that promotion last year at your job? Would you have found that special someone? (After all, we do attract what we become) Would you have been able to change those bad habits and have your life take on a new course with more favorable outcomes?
If you have kids, nieces or nephews… spend time with them. Invest positive, encouraging, and supportive attitudes into their life, become a mentor to them. Do not just tell them they are important; “show them” they are important. If they have an interest in sports, then take some time and get them around the sports they like. If they like animals, take them to the Zoo in your area or even a local petting farm. Being that supportive element in his or her life, just as someone was for you, could make all the difference. After all, it is the words which we speak to them that will make a profound difference years down the road and one day, they will thank you for it and acknowledge you as being instrumental in their life and how it turned out.
Have a great Friday and an even better weekend.
Scott Stewart
Author, Speaker and Inspiring others to a life of greatness.
P.S. Is your organization considering an inspirational or self improvement speaker at their next event? If so, feel free to contact me for future speaking engagements.
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Hey this looks great! Good Job! looking forward to more!