Thursday, December 22, 2011

Something is Missing at Christmas

With it only being days away from Christmas, a lot of excitement is building… but there is something missing, or rather, someone missing.

Christmas trees are up, stockings are hung and gifts are wrapped.  Families have confirmed the times they will be getting together and anticipation has begun to build.

Kids are excited as they watch the amount of presents under the tree grow, in hopes that they will get everything on their list they asked for.  Parents everywhere go 90 miles an hour up until Christmas trying to have everything perfect.

But for some, not everything will be perfect, no matter how hard you try.  In your heart, you know there is a hole and not even the best Christmas dinner or the most expensive of gifts will fill the void.  Oh some may try, but none will succeed.

The hole is there because someone close to you, a child, parent or family member was taken before it was their time.  Maybe due to cancer, an auto accident or other unfair circumstances.  Regardless of the why, they will not be sitting at the dinner table nor sharing in the joy this holiday season.

Life is not always fair, we know this.  It does, however, provide us with laughter, joy and fond memories, plus the emotional connection we have with those whom we love.  Sometimes not even the strongest and deepest of love is enough to cover the hole of that person being taken from us.

Had I known the Christmas of 1990 would be the last one with my mom, I would have done a few extra things to make it more memorable.  Sadly enough, I don’t remember much of that Christmas but I clearly remember the following year when Mom was not there.  As you could imagine, it was not even a little bit enjoyable.

People all around us will be celebrating Christmas without someone they love.  Although they may not say it and will hold back their emotions in public, inside, they are hurting.  The sadness felt is real and heavy.  Most would be willing to trade years of their life for just a few more minutes with their special person. 

I know this well because I have lived it.  While my heart is joyful watching my daughter’s glee with excitement, the other side mourns, knowing my mom never got to see her granddaughters open their gifts, or have cookies and milk with them at Christmas time.

This season, folks everywhere will have aching hearts.  Christmas won’t be the same but yet it will come and go, just like it always has.

Take a little time this holiday season to remember the good times you had with them.  Take those warm memories and replay them in your mind.  Let yourself smile and allow yourself to feel the joy you once shared with them.  It’s what they would want.

From my house to yours, have a great Christmas everyone, be blessed.

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