Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's Your Attitude

Your attitude is not the main thing is the only thing.  

I read this the other day and it made me think for a moment.  Really?  It's the only thing?  This needed an answer, and after investing a little time into this quote, several ideas emerged.

Life has a way of beating us up now and then.  Eleanor Roosevelt made the statement: "85% of what happens to you, you have no control over".  If this is true, then everyone of us need to understand it is not what happens to us but rather how we handle it that makes all the difference in how our life works out.

This does not mean everything is good and there are no problems or challenges.  I know better and you should too.  By simply saying everything is great when it is not, is not the right answer, nor is it emotionally healthy.

Choosing to have a good attitude is just that, a choice, just like you chose to get up this morning and you chose the clothes you wanted to wear.  We make choices everyday, every hour and sometimes, every minute.  So we too choose our attitudes.

I have been told by friends, more than once, I am the most positive person they know.  Although I do not claim to be purposefully positive, I do admit to choosing to be happy.  From everything I can see, being positive is just a by-product. 

I really don't know if a good attitude makes everything ok or helps to solve every problem we face.  I do know though, having a poor attitude makes life far more difficult than it needs to be and is downright draining.  Who in their right mind wants to be around someone with a crappy attitude?  It's exhausting!

Life is too short to get hung up on what will be thrown at you.  Ask any 90 year old and they will tell you, life goes by faster than you can imagine.  Why spend the short amount of time we have together getting hung up on the small stuff?  Years ago my mentor used to ask me: "Scott, will this matter five years from now?"  The majority of time, the answer was an obvious no.

Chances are, today will not be perfect nor will tomorrow or next week or next month.  But today you can choose to look beyond the struggles of the moment and enjoy the gifts and blessings all around you.  If your happiness and joy are on the line here, why would you let that be taken from you?

Have a great Friday and Happy New Year everyone, be blessed.


  1. I recently read: "I don't know if a good attitude works every time, but I know a bad attitude does..."

  2. Great words Johnny and yes, I agree!
