Friday, August 26, 2011

Part 5 of 7 on the Mindset of Success

Last week, I talked about fulfillment. Can you honestly say that you have this in your life? Have you ever had it? If you haven’t you may even be having a hard time understanding what fulfillment really is. If this is you, it’s ok. It took me some time to grasp at it too. Go back over the material often and let it soak in, any new idea or new concept will take time to absorb, but trust me, it will be way worth it. This week, I want to talk about the person you will become as you gain the mindset of success. Because the mindset is all internal, it will cause us to look at many things in a different way and when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at will change. One of my all-time favorite quotes by Jim Rohn says this: “Learn to work harder on yourself than you do your job.” Why is this? Primarily because of the person you will become. You see, there are many, and I do mean many, outside factors all around us that we cannot change. Things like the weather, the economy, government, inflation, taxes, the way other people treat us, the way our neighbor treats us, the way our boss treats us, all these things we really can’t change. But the one and only thing we can do is change ourselves. We can do this by the way we think, what we believe, and what our philosophy is. These three key components determine who we are right now, the way we were and the way we will be next year. What am I talking about here? I am talking about the person you will need to become if you truly want to be successful, because chances are, you cannot obtain the level of success you want and desire based on your current level of thinking, belief and philosophy. If this were not true, then you would have already reached the success you want. Most people see success as something they get. The fancy cars, the big homes, boats, motor homes, extravagant vacations. While those things can be a way to measure success, the more accurate measurement should be looked at with regard to who the person has become. How have they grown and changed? How have they matured? What is their work ethic like? What is their philosophy, their mindset? These characteristics are key factors and telltale signs of true, solid success. I can only connect one main thing together in both of these scenarios: It all came down to the kind of person they each became based on how they thought, what they believed and what their philosophy was. Everything else, from what I can see, can be put under those categories. True, solid success comes from the internal, not the external, and who we become will make all the difference in the world with regard to how our life works out. If you took an honest look at yourself and where you are right now, could you honestly say that who you are becoming, is moving you closer to the success you want in life? Looking back five years ago, have you grown, changed, in order to move closer to your goal? What steps have you taken recently, even today, to become the success you want to be? Your personal success will always start with YOU and what is inside YOU. It does not start with your past, with your spouse, or even with the economy. It is you, 100% you, because you can choose what you will do today to begin the process of “becoming”. If you haven’t started “becoming” that person, then how do you expect to arrive at your destination? Have a great weekend everyone, be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this call to action, Scott, and in my way of thinking we are already the person we could be...the question is, are we letting that person out, are we doing that person honor by our actions and thoughts?
    Thanks so much for spurring us forward, Scott!! (:
